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Hints for selecting between different Poker chip sets – Part 1

There are a lot of chip sets on the market these days and when you want to purchase one, you might find yourself in front of a hard choice to make. This is why you should read this article where you will find the most important selecting tips and you will make an idea on how an ideal poker chip set would be like.

When you are on the market for a new poker chip set, you should know exactly what you are looking for. Otherwise, you might get yourself something that you do not like and this is not something you would want. You should consider a few factors in your purchasing decision and these factors are the price, the quality, the label and the number of chips.

If you are still clueless on what poker chip set you should buy, you should research a little bit online. It is clear that you can find a lot of information this way and you will know the options you have in terms of poker chip sets.

Poker chip sets

One of the most important tips for poker chip sets purchasing is having in mind how many poker players will use the set at once. This means that you have in mind the number of players you will be. This is because you have to know the number of chips required for every player and thus select a bigger or smaller chip set accordingly.

You should calculate somewhere between 50 and 100 chips per player. This means that if you will be 8 regular poker players, you should stay away from the 300 chip sets as they will not be enough. There are 1000 chip sets as well which you might consider buying in this case.

The cost of the poker chips sets is another factor that should weigh hardly in your purchasing decision. There are different prices for different chip sets and it depends if you want higher quality or cheaper sets. In general, you get what you pay for so you can easily figure if the set is of high quality by its price. Usually, the cheaper ones are made of bad plastic and they are not very heavy. These are not casino type chips.

In summary, when you are looking for a good poker chips set, you should definitely have in mind the number of players that you will be playing with it and the price you are willing to pay for it. By setting up the budget you will be able to get the best poker chip set for your money. As there are a lot of them on the market, you can easily find on suitable for your tastes especially if you will research online and offline for it.

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